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In thrilling news, the Optic Glass of Humors can be embedded into Blackboard, it's very straightforward! Firstly, create a New Item in Blackboard, and then click the 'View Source Code' button, which looks like this:

This will open the source code window, into which you simply paste the below line of code:

<iframe width="100%" height="600" src="https://theopticglassofhumors.com/embeddable.html"></iframe>

This should look ultimately like this:

Click "Save", ignore how horrendous the preview looks, add a title for the Item if you want, and then click "Submit", and it should look like this:

If it doesn't, feel free to get in touch! Chances are you know me in person but if not, I'm Aneurin Merrill-Glover, feel free to email me at my Bristol address, or get in touch via Twitter!